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Venue finding

Did you know that finding the most suitable venue for a meeting or other business event can be quite time-consuming (and costly), and even more if this doesn’t belong to your job description or daily work tasks? Of course it is nice to do it yourself, but also quite labour intensive! That is why it is much more efficient to outsource the sourcing process to an experience venue scout like me.

Since I’m an Associate with HelmsBriscoe, the global leader in venue sourcing and procurement for meetings & events all over the world (with over 1,400 associates in 55 countries), I can assure you that I’ll find the best available venues against the best rates and the most flexible conditions. I also make sure that the agreement between you as the client and the venue chosen meets your expectations as much as possible. And all this is completely free of charge, since I’ll be compensated by the contracted venue through HelmsBriscoe’s so-called ‘placement fee’, without the actual costs for you being inflated by the venue. You will not only save time by outsourcing this intensive search process to me, but it will also actually save costs! More information about HelmsBriscoe can be found on and my personal page

How does the sourcing process work?

Once I have taken your full event briefing, covering the event program and location, the required meeting space (plus bedroom nights, if applicable), as well as the catering and audio-visual needs (among other important details), I’ll put together a complete RFP (Request for Proposal), which I send out to some suitable venues through HelmsBriscoe’s extensive database (HB Connect, powered by Cvent). The venues then send in their tailor-made proposal, for me to evaluate and update if needed, in order to have it fully comply with your needs. A tentative booking with an option release date will guarantee availability so that you have time to make a decision.

As soon as you have made a shortlist of venues, I encourage you to plan a site inspection visit, so that you can go see the venues to make sure it suits your needs. I’m used to accompanying such a site inspection visit, since I can give you some good advice on the spot and make sure that the venue shows you all applicable options. An initial site inspection visit is free of charge, except for actual costs for travel and/or overnight stay and meals, if applicable. It is common that venues offer overnight stays on a complimentary basis (or at a very reduced rate).

From the moment you have chosen the venue of your preference, I’ll start the negotiation process in order to secure the best possible contract clauses for your event. HelmsBriscoe has an extensive database of special contract clauses, that are only available to HelmsBriscoe clients. These clauses relate to important conditions such as cancellations and payments, but also special circumstances (force majeure) and liability. All this will be included in a contract, to be signed by you as the client and the venue as the opposite party, which will guarantee a definite booking. All payments for the venue costs will be made directly by you to the venue, without the interference of HelmsBriscoe or Oosterom Events. I will ensure though, that both parties will comply with all details of the agreement.

In case you have hired me for the full planning stage of the event as well, I’ll handle the arrangements through Oosterom Events, which means HelmsBriscoe’s involvement will end.

OosteromEvents-Event & Project Management-“Full A-to-Z meeting planning“
OosteromEvents-Event & Project Management-“Full A-to-Z meeting planning“
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